Standaardvertalingen en vertaalsuggesties

Samengesteld uit de BBTM-lijst, de BBT-lijst uit mei 1995 en aanvullingen voornamelijk voortkomend uit het werk aan de tweede vertaling van Bhagavad-gîtâ zoals ze is (aug. 1998-aug. 2003).


Samengesteld door Rûpa Sanâtana Dâsa (versie: 14-10-2005)

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take to  (Krishna consciousness, etc.) zich toeleggen/richten op, zich gaan bezig houden met, beginnen te, gaan doen aan, de gewoonte aannemen om, (Krishna-bewust worden).

take up/to   zich toeleggen op, zich gaan interesseren voor, iets omhelzen/omarmen. Zie ook: TAKE to  (KRISHA CONSCIOUSNESS, ETC.).

tattva -> onzijdig, dus: het mahatotattva, etc.

teachings (of) onderwijzingen van (v.) , filosofie van (v.).

technically (is ~ called) wordt technisch (gezien)... genoemd (vaak onvertaald).

temporary (perishable) tijdelijk, vergankelijk.

temporary manifestation tijdelijke verschijning (v.), tijdelijke vorm (m.) aannemen. Zie ook: COSMIC MANIFESTATION, MANIFESTATION, MATERIAL MANIFESTATION.

terms (in terms of) kan meestal weggelaten worden. Zie ook: TERMS (IN TERMS OF).

-> Zie: Words to  skip. In: The BBT Handbook, p. 150-1 (Words to  Skip). -> "a piece of padding ['opvulsel', 'bladvulling', RV] usually best omitted."

that is all right dat geeft niets, dat is goed; dat mag dan zo  zijn, maar...

thoughtful 1. bedachtzaam (bn.), nadenkend (bn.); 2. diepzinnig (bn.), wijs (bn.).

threefold (miseries) drie soorten (leed), drievoudig (leed).

time tijd (m.).

time factor tijdsfactor (m.).

time immemorial (since ~) onheugelijke tijden (sinds ~).

to  free oneself/others from zich/ anderen vrijmaken van.

to  reestablish herstellen (van relatie).

total material energy (nature) het geheel van de materiële energie (natuur).

touchstone cintamani-steen (m.).

trance diepe meditatie, (zichzelf voortzettende diepe meditatie (v.)/ concentratie (v.)), (verdiept, verzonken in meditatie (e.g. consciousness merged in ~)). Zie ook: SAMÂDHI.

-> soms: niet wanneer samâdhi duidt op actieve devotionele dienst. (concept: actieve samadhi).

-> Jayâdvaita Swami: The term in English suggests not just that the meditation is "exalted" but that it's deep, that one is mentally absorbed. It carries something of the implication that one has gone beyond the state where the concentration is voluntary, to  the point where the mentally absorbed state has "taken over." One meditates to  reach a state of trance, and when one reaches it the state continues as if on its own. I leave it to  you to  decide which Dutch word to  use.

-> "Krishna is so  attractive that one becomes hypnotized," he [S'rîla Prabhupâda] says. Otherwise why are these boys working so  hard on this farm [New Vrindâvana]? They're all qualified to  earn money outside. In your country [America], sufficient money is paid for work, but these boys are hypnotized here. "You have hypnotized them, Prabhupâda," Pradyumna says. "Not I. What attraction do  I have? Krishna is all-attractive. He hypnotizes you in spite of yourself. Like the Pândavas. (...) By becoming Krishna's devotees, the Pândavas underwent many difficulties. Still, their love for Krishna increased. Narada Muni was astonished by this. 'What kind of hypnotist is Krishna?' he was asking." "(...) They are hypnotized by Krishna. That is samâdhi. Samâdhi doesn't mean inactivity. It means being completely absorbed in Krishna. Anyone chanting Hare Krishna is in samâdhi. Anyone cooking for Krishna or writing for Krishna or working in the field for Krishna is in samâdhi because the consciousness is: 'I am doing this for the satisfaction of Krishna.' (...) Samâdhi is the goal of all yoga. It is total absorption. The illiterate brahmin looking at the picture was in samâdhi because he was absorbed in thoughts of Krishna and Arjuna. But samâdhi doesn't mean sitting like a statue, holding your breath, and thinking of merging with some void or spirit. No. Working for Krishna is samâdhi. Thinking of Him is samâdhi. Preaching Bhagavad-gîtâ is samâdhi."

From: Hayagriva das. (1985). The Hare Krishna Explosion - The Birth of Krishna Consciousness in America (1966-1969). Palace Press. p. 335.

transcend (to) ontstijgen (aan), transcenderen (filos.).

transcendendence transcendentaliteit (v.)

- fixed in ~ gegrond in transcendentaliteit.

Transcendence Transcendentie (v.)

transcendental   transcendentaal (bn.), transcendent.

transcendental to   transcendentaal aan.

transcendental sound transcendentaal geluid (o.).

transcendental sound vibration transcendentale geluidstrilling (v.).

transcendentalist transcendentalist(e) (m./v.).

transform (to) van gedaante doen veranderen.

transformation transformatie (v.), verandering (v.).

transmigration zielsverhuizing (v.).

troubles problemen, moeilijkheden.

troublesome vervelend, lastig.

truthful / untruthful 1. (on)oprecht (bn.); 2. (on)waarachtig (bn.).

twice born tweemaalgeborene (m./v.).