Standaardvertalingen en vertaalsuggesties

Samengesteld uit de BBTM-lijst, de BBT-lijst uit mei 1995 en aanvullingen voornamelijk voortkomend uit het werk aan de tweede vertaling van Bhagavad-gîtâ zoals ze is (aug. 1998-aug. 2003).


Samengesteld door Rûpa Sanâtana Dâsa (versie: 14-10-2005)

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deerskin hertenhuid (v./m.).

defect(s) tekortkoming(en) (v.), gebrek(en) (o.).

degradation achteruitgang, (degeneratie).

degrade (in/to) vervallen tot, ontaarden in, (degenereren).

deity godheid (m./v.).

 presiding deity - heersende godheid (m./v.) [Surya is de godheid die over de zon heerst].

- worshipable deity - 1. onderwerp van verering (o., bij verwijzing m./v.); 2. vererenswaardige godheid.

Deity Beeldgedaante / Godsgedaante (m.v.), ("We aanbidden de ~ in de tempel")..

- worshipable Deity - vererenswaardige gedaante (van God) in de tempel 1. onderwerp van verering (o., bij verwijzing m./v.).; 2. vererenswaardige Godheid (m./v.).

-> BBTH, p. 139: "S'rîla Prabhupâda usually uses this word to  mean 'the mûrti in the temple.' Sometimes he uses 'Deity' in the sense of 'form of God' (e.g., Lord Ramâcandra is the worshipable Deity of Hanumân). He sometimes uses 'deities' to  refer to  demigods or the guna-avatâras

delusion verblinding, verwarring, waanidee, waandenkbeeld, onwerkelijk, denkbeeldig, illusie, verdwazing, verdwaasdheid (Zie: Prediker 3:4).

demigod halfgod (m.).

demon demon (m./v.).

demoniac1 demonisch (bn.).

demoniac2 (the) 1. demonen; 2. personen met een demonische mentaliteit.

dependant (one's) 1. afhankelijke (m./v.); 2. ondergeschikte (m./v.).

derive (pleasure , ...) from krijgen, halen uit, (plezier) ontlenen aan, putten uit.

descending knowledge neerdalende methode (v.). Zie ook: ASCENDING PROCESS, DESCENDING PROCESS, PROCESS(ES).

descending process neerdalende methode (v.). Zie ook: ASCENDING PROCESS, DESCENDING KNOWLEDGE, PROCESS(ES).

described (as) (soms) aangeduid als, beschreven als.

designation(s) aanduiding(en) (v.), benaming(en) (v.), (bepaaldheid/-heden (v.)), namen waarmee (...) wordt aangeduid.

desirable wenselijk, verlangd.

desire tree wensboom (m.).

detach (to) onthechten, terugtrekken, loslaten.

detached order of life teruggetrokken levensorde (v.).

detachment onthechting (v.).

develop (to) opwekken / ontwikkelen.

-  ~ desire - ~ van verlangen.

- ~ taste for something - smaak krijgen voor.

-  ~ qualities - ~ van kwaliteiten.

deviate1 afwijken van, afdwalen van.

-  to  be deviated (lijd. vorm) - (als: "be swayed") op andere gedachten gebracht worden of ergens vanaf gebracht worden, overgehaald worden tot iets anders, afdwalen, afleiden van, met verdeelde aandacht (zie: Bg. 12.6). Antonymisch: met onverdeelde aandacht.

deviation (without deviation) afdwaling (v.), (zonder af te dwalen).

devoid (of) vrij zijn van, (verstoken van).

devotee toegewijde (m./v.).

devotion devotie (v.).

devotional devotioneel (bn.).

devotional process methode van devotionele dienst (v.).

devotional scriptures devotionele teksten (m.), (in verzen kan: devotionele geschriften). Zie ook: REVEALED SCRIPTURES, SCRIPTURE.

devotional service* devotionele dienst (m.).


-> "Prabhupâda galvanizes his readers theologically by harnessing the twin phrases, 'Supreme Personality of Godhead' and 'devotional service,' his unique translations for the two  Sanskritic terms, bhagavân and bhakti. Ordinarily, we expect translation to  be a step down from the original with something being lost, but in translating these terms, Prabhupâda accelerates their meaning, and in doing so, establishes them as the governing principles of his theology. (...) The second phrase, devotional service, Prabhupâda's translation for bhakti - which others simply translate as 'devotion,' 'worship,' or 'love' - is considered by Prabhupâda to  be synonymous with dharma. Dharma is normally understood as 'religion,' 'law,' or 'duty,' but Prabhupâda explains it as the essential irreducible quality of the living being, i.e., service [see: Bhagavad-gîtâ 18-20; footnote in original, RV] 'This ontological sense of the word dharma as "service" is related to  the translation of the important word bhakti as "devotional service": When a person's natural inborn quality of service is transformed back into  one's original manifestation of service to  God, this is called bhakti' (Schweig 1995). By emphasizing that that every living being can achieve perfection through devotional service to  the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Prabhupâda is able to  convey to  his community of believers the universal nature of Krishna consciousness. At the same time, these twin phrases themselves proclaim the kerygmatic (proclaiming) nature of scripture that presupposes a new event of understanding as the ultimate goal of its reading." (Zie ook: SUPREME PERSONALITY OF GODHEAD)

In: Tamal Krishna Goswâmî. (1998).'Tensions in Scriptural Transmission". In: Journal of Vaishnava Studies, vol. 6, nr. 2, spring 1998 (ISSN: 1062-1237), pp. 67.

dictation(s) leiding, opdrachten, (bevelen).

difference between matter and spirit verschil tussen de materie en het spirituele; verschil tussen wat materieel en wat spiritueel is.

dint, by dint of door middel van.

direction 1. [in alle richtingen] richting (v.); 2. [van de guru] aanwijzing (v.).

discharging proper duty het vervullen van (iemands) eigen/-voorgeschreven plicht.

disciple(s) discipelen (m./v.), leerlingen(m./v.).

disciplic succession opeenvolging van discipelen (v.). Zie ook: IN DISCIPLIC SUCCESSION (coming in ~); IN THE DISCIPLIC SUCCESSION.

distress verontrusting (v.), leed (o.), bedroefdheid (v.), verdriet (o.), angst (m.).

distressed1 (adj.) verontruste, verdrietige, lijdende (bn.).

distressed2 (the) (n.) zij/degenen die in nood verkeren.

disturb(ed) verstoord, verontrust, verward.

divine goddelijk (bn.). Zie ook: HIS DIVINE GRACE.

division(s) of society onderverdeling(en) (v.) van de maatschappij, maatschappelijke geleding (v.).

doer handelende persoon / verrichter (of een constructie zonder zelfst. nw. door gebruik van ww.).

dormant (Krishna consciousness, etc.) sluimerend (Krishna-bewustzijn, etc.).

dormant love sluimerende liefde (v.).

dovetail (to) verbinden met (vast ineen laten sluiten met - zie illustratie hieronder), laten passen, overeen laten stemmen.

-> Meaning of "to  dovetail" according to: a.) Jayâdvaita Swâmî: "In S'rîla Prabhupâda's usage, it carries the sense of taking something you're already doing, or that's already going on, and connecting it harmoniously with Krishna through devotional service." b.) Dravida Prabhu: "'to  join or fit together harmoniously'. S'rîla Prabhupâda's special: use 'to  link some thing or activity or (especially) propensity to  Krishna via devotional service, such as one's propensity to  paint or make music."

-> Random House Unabridged Dictionary, 1999: 1. a joint formed of one or more such tenons fitting tightly with corresponding mortises. 3. Carpentry. to  join or fit together by means of a dovetail or dovetails. 4. to  join or fit together compactly or harmoniously.

dress (bodily/material dress) lichamelijk/materieel kostuum (o.).

duality (dualities) dualiteit(en) (v.).

duck / heron* kraanvogel (m.).


-> [Q:] (Vaidyanath das): S'rîla Prabhupâda usually translates baka as "duck", but as far as I could understand he actually meant heron. It is also  confirmed in "Conversations", vol. 4, p. 173 where S'rîla Prabhupâda explains phrase bakandanyaya. [A:] (Dravida das): Yes, "baka" should be translated as "heron." One interesting note: Monier-Williams Skrt.-Eng. dictionary confirms that a baka is a crane and also  says it symbolizes a hypocrite, cheat, rogue, etc. [MW, p. 719a, RV] This is of interest, since it is confirmed that the demons Krishna slew all represent demonic tendencies that can be eradicated by hearing His pastimes. So  it's important that it's clear in the books he slew a crane and not a duck. Also, watch out for these two  words: "flavor" and "envy," or "envious." Prabhupada almost always used "flavor" to  mean "fragrance," and I think it should be translated as such in the foreign languages. "Envious" often means "malicious," as when Prabhupâda says a devotee is not envious toward any living entity.

due (are due to  ...) te danken aan, dankzij.

duly voldoende, behoorlijk (bn.), naar behoren.

dwindle (in the 6 stages) [levende wezens] verzwakken; [levenloze objecten] aftakelen, vervallen. Zie ook: SIX CHANGES - BIRTH, GROWTH, ...

-> Zie: Bg. 10.34 (2001): 'Tijdens het doormaken van ontwikkeling ondergaan levende wezens zes primaire veranderingen: ze worden geboren, ze groeien, ze houden zich in stand, ze planten zich voort, ze verzwakken en uiteindelijk verdwijnen ze [gaan ze dood].'